Maltby Surveys are specialists in the provision of water related surveying with more than 40 years experience. Commissioned by the Environment Agency, British Waterways, Water Utilities, OPW Ireland and numerous water consultancies, the company is considered one of the market leaders in this survey discipline. The company operate from four strategically based UK offices and is therefore able to mobilise rapidly and sustainably to any region to provide a local service to local clients.
Maltby Surveys field teams are equipped with a range of “cutting edge” technologies including Leica GPS, Leica Total Stations, Faro Laser Scanners and automated logging systems. Shallow and deep-water hydrographic equipment is used to support inland waterway studies and nearshore coastal bathymetric surveys. Using bespoke software systems, we provide our clients with a range of spatial data outputs to suit their specifications.
Our software accepts a variety of data inputs from GPS, Total Station or Echo sounding formats. The data is held as a 3D Model which allows seamless transfer to GIS map-based applications. Additionally, the software will directly output data files to suit any of the industry accepted hydraulic modelling packages including Flood Modeller, MIKE11, HecRAS, TuFLOW, EACSDF as well as 2D & 3D AutoCAD.
Flood Modeller is a full hydrodynamic simulator for modelling flows and levels in open channels and estuaries and is at the heart of the system. It is able to model complex looped and branched networks and is designed to provide a comprehensive range of methods for simulating flood plain flows. Flood Modeller incorporates both unsteady and steady flow solvers with options that include simple backwaters, flow routing and full unsteady simulation. The simulation engine provides a direct steady-state solver and adaptive time-stepping methods to optimise run-time and enhance model stability. It provides full interactive views of the model data and results using plan views, long sections, form based editing tools and time series plots. The software includes a wide range of diagnostic error checks. Maltby Surveys in association with our software development arm have incorporated into the RXS software package a direct export into Flood Modeller. Exporting in either 2D or 3D format makes the transition from field to hydraulic model very efficient. Full export to Environment Agency CDSF Version 3.33 has also been incorporated.