Maltby Surveys is a multidisciplinary Geomatics company which has developed since 1985 as a result of responding to the worldwide spatial data needs of its clients. It is a family-oriented business owned and managed by three of the Maltby brothers, Richard, Stephen and Andrew.
Continuing growth and success has led to a network of offices being established throughout the UK. The staff includes Chartered Surveyors, Civil Engineering Surveyors and Computer Analysts who provide comprehensive, accurate and economic survey data to meet individual Client needs. The Quality Management system registered to BS/EN/ISO 9001:2015 is overseen by the Directors to ensure that the products and services provided, whether relating to measurement or software development, have undergone stringent validation to maintain a proven track record of quality and service. The company has achieved OHSAS 18001 certification and our excellent safety record demonstrates our commitment to reducing accidents, complying with the law and improving our overall health and safety performance.
The Company is registered to BS/EN/ISO 14001:2015 supporting an Environmental Management System. Each of the Directors plays an active role in promoting the profession both globally and across professions. The Financial Director, Richard Maltby was on the Council of Management for the Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors and has been commended for his valuable work in Training and Education across the profession. As the then Vice President of The Survey Association he was instrumental in developing a structured training course for technician level surveying which has now progressed to include Degree apprenticeships thereby helping to resolve one of the greatest weaknesses in the industry – lack of skilled staff.
The Development and Survey Directors Andrew and Stephen Maltby have each been instrumental in the development and promotion of new technologies. These are now deployed daily in the measurement of buildings for infrastructure development, asset management, and the creation of 3D building models. These models inform the detailed analysis of Daylight, Sunlight and Rights to Light calculations.
Andrew and Stephen have worked tirelessly with both institutions, RICS and RIBA to promote a greater understanding of exactly what the Geospatial Community can provide to their many and varied stakeholders.